Trees for Wood and Animal Production in Northern Australia

  • 70 pages

  • Published: 23 Oct 2008

  • Author(s): Lowry, Brian

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This report investigates the feasibility of a more sustainable and productive farming system in the tropical woodlands of Northern Queensland through the use of rainforest species. In particular, the report examines the potential use of Albizia lebbeck as animal fodder, its effect on the sub-canopy pasture, and its wood quality.

This project sought new information through a study of existing trees in a number of locations, sampling of sub-canopy pasture and fallen leaf, and laboratory and feeding experiments. This project produced further evidence that an agroforestry system could be based on trees for both wood and animal production, and that such a system is yet to be actively developed.
The report is for use by farmers, agricultural advisors, farm forestry extension officers and researchers. The results of this study should also inform agricultural policy and research and development (R&D) funding agencies.