A technical and economic appraisal of Pongamia pinnata in northern Australia: Preliminary report

  • 72 pages

  • Published: 19 Aug 2021

  • Author(s): P. Wylie, P. Gresshoff, G. Muirhead, S. Fritsch, R. Binks, K. Bowman

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-192-8

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Pongamia (Millettia pinnata, formerly known as Pongamia pinnata) is a tree that produces seeds with a high oil content that can be converted into biodiesel. Pongamia is a second-generation biofuel producer that does not compete directly with food production. It will grow on soils not suited for broadacre crops and will tolerate salinity and flooding. More importantly, Pongamia is a legume that supplies its own nitrogen, has low costs and high energy efficiency.

This report is a preliminary economic study that can be used as the foundation of a Pongamia industry viability assessment. The economics of Pongamia have changed in recent years with clonal propagation and treatment of the meal so it can be used as livestock feed. This new-look Pongamia compares well economically with other agricultural enterprises, however further research and analysis are needed to validate and fully profile the economic feasibility of a commercial Pongamia industry.