Accounting for agriculture in place-based frameworks for regional development

  • 77 pages

  • Published: 8 Apr 2015

  • Author(s): Bonney, Laurie, Castles, Angela, Eversoles, Robyn, Miles, Morgan, Woods, Megan

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This project develops a regional scale analytical tool which aims to assist rural industries and communities to establish the contribution of agriculture and rural industry to regional development and economies. The tool also aims to help understand and build on the role of place-based assets in enhancing this development. Critically, the framework tool can also assist industry to identify and promote its indirect contribution. Indirect contributions are often missed in measurement exercises or overlooked in regional economic and/or industry analysis. The tool can therefore enable industry to articulate, with greater certainty than at present, an informed argument as to its role and input into the function and health of the regional economy, and identify future opportunities and issues to build on this role based on its particular assets.