Benchmarking Mohair Production in Australia

  • 63 pages

  • Published: 18 Jan 2010

  • Author(s): McGregor, Bruce

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Since the establishment of mohair production in the mid 1970s, the industry has developed the infrastructure required to grow and prosper and has a strong record of research and development that has provided objective data for the establishment of modern production systems. However the industry has been viewed by many as a hobby industry and has been perceived as unattractive to commercial farmers.
This RIRDC report provides factual evidence on the financial and production performance of real mohair farms for the first time. This process engaged mohair farmers in detailed record keeping and measurements of their animals. The project involved farm business economists in comparative financial studies of mohair and wool enterprises.
This research will guide mohair producers and the industry to focus on key performance indicators of profit and production. The outcomes provide objective evidence that can be used to attract future investment into mohair enterprises.