Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
60 pages
Published: 5 May 2009
Author(s): Harper, R.J., Sochacki, S.J., Smettem, K.R.J., Robinson, N., Silberstein, R.P., Clarke, C.J., J.F.
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Salinity is a major land management issue in Australia and reforestation is often advocated as part of its management. There has been considerable debate about the level of reforestation required to stabilize landscape hydrology, and in particular whether this can be achieved by strategically placed, integrated plantings.
In 2002 the Joint Venture Agroforestry Program (JVAP) published Trees, Water and Salt (RIRDC Pub No. 01/086), which summarised knowledge of the use of trees to tackle salinity.
This report followed the establishment of an integrated tree planting, on a farm near Wickepin, Western Australia, with 300 mm annual rainfall. These trees were established using the procedures outlined in Trees, Water and Salt. Not only were the hydrological effects of this planting monitored, but a range of tree species were assessed for biomass production and carbon sequestration.