Detecting Three Common Drugs in Horses: frusemide, betamethasone and triamcinolone acetonide

  • 34 pages

  • Published: 6 Aug 2007

  • Author(s): J.H. Vine,, J.H. Vine,

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The purpose of this research was to study the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of three common veterinary pharmaceuticals, (1) frusemide, which is a diuretic and the corticosteroids, (2) betamethasone and (3) triamcinolone acetonide. These substances are commonly used by veterinarians during the preparation of horses for competition in the Thoroughbred and Standard bred industries, as well as in high level equestrian events. The data obtained will be used to provide reliable detection times which meet the needs of racing industry regulators, practising veterinarians and the owners and trainers they service.