Development of routing DNA based diagnostic tests for Phytophthora

  • 25 pages

  • Published: 1 May 2001

  • Author(s): Drenth, A., Dr., Irwin, J.A.G., Prof

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This report, prepared by the Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Plant Pathology in
Brisbane describes the development of DNA based diagnostics technologies for the economically
important Phytophthora species in Australia. A rigorous methodology is outlined in detail which is
generally applicable in the development of successful DNA based diagnostics for other pathogens.
This report is the result of a three year project that involved collection of reference material,
obtaining DNA sequence information from Phytophthora pathogens in Australia, the design and
testing of genus specific DNA based diagnostic methods, and an effort to use the latest
developments in molecular genetics to significantly improve detection and identification of soil
borne pathogens.