Industry placemat: Truffles
This placemat serves as a resource for those interested in the emerging Australian-truffle industry. Within this placemat, you’ll find essential fast facts alongside the fundamental...
46 pages
Published: 26 Oct 2009
Author(s): Mailer, Rodney J., Dr, Graham, Kerrie
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This RIRDC report assesses the impact of storage in a range of flexible storage containers on extra virgin olive oil quality. The research was conducted by the Australian Oils Research Laboratory (AORL). It was supported by RIRDC and the Australian Olive Association.
The outcome of this study reinforces that the best storage conditions for olive oil is in opaque, impervious and inert containers, stored at cool temperatures. Stainless steel or glass would appear to be the best options for long term storage. Metallised flexible bags used for short term transport may provide reasonable protection. Storage in clear plastic, particularly in the light and at elevated temperatures, is clearly unacceptable and will result in total loss of extra-virgin olive oil quality within weeks and perhaps days. Re-use of these containers would appear to be highly undesirable and would be expected to cause more rapid degradation.