Fact sheet: Disease, Pest and Weed Management

  • 3 pages

  • Published: 31 Jan 2024

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Disease, pest and weed challenges will emerge as the area sown to industrial hemp increases. Effective management of these will be essential if the industry is to maximise yield, maintain crop and harvest quality, and develop new markets.

The AgriFutures Australia Emerging Industries Program has produced a Best Management Practice (BMP) manual for growing, harvesting, and storing industrial hemp in Australia, which captures the latest in knowledge and production advice to support new growers. This fact sheet summarises the key findings in relation to disease, pest, and weed management issues and strategies.

AgriFutures is building on this knowledge base through a $2.5 million national program of research focused on improved hemp seed and varieties, production methods, industry sustainability and the development of hemp-based products.