Gluten Free Grains

  • 85 pages

  • Published: 11 Oct 2006

  • Author(s): Vinning, Grant

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This report analyses the market prospects for growing gluten-free grains in Australia. It provides data on production, health attributes, use and trade.

The report examines market size and analyses the prospects for a number of the grains that are, or could be grown in Australia specifically for the gluten-free market. The seven gluten-free grains, or ‘health grains’, identified are amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, sesame, sorghum and teff.

The report looks at the likely size of the gluten-free market in Australia and provides data on the supply of, and likely future demand, for the seven health grains. It also identifies the major factors creating that demand. It also makes recommendations about how the Australian health grains industry could position itself to ensure access to a wider market – beyond people who cannot or choose not to consume gluten-based products. 2005, 85pp, Pub. No. 05/011, $21