Research in Progress – Agroforestry and Farm Forestry 2007-2008

  • 41 pages

  • Published: 17 Oct 2008

  • Author(s): RIRDC

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RIRDC produces Research in Progress summaries of continuing projects and those completed during 2007-2008. Our intention is to:

• give stakeholders early access to the results of ongoing and completed work to inform their decisions, and
• to inform researchers of results to shape research directions
The complete report on all programs is on our website at

The Agroforestry and Farm Forestry Program’s Completed Projects in 2007 – 2008 and Research in Progress at June 2008, contains short summaries of continuing projects as well as those that were completed during 2007 – 2008. This program aims to provide knowledge to underpin profitable, sustainable and resilient agroforestry within Australian farming systems and landscapes.

This program comprises a collaborative partnerships managed by RIRDC – the Joint Venture Agroforestry Program (JVAP). This report contains all entries from continuing and completed research projects funded by the Joint Venture Agroforestry Program (JVAP).

The Joint Venture Agroforestry Program (JVAP) is supported by three R&D Corporations: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC), Land & Water Australia, and Forest and Wood Products Australia Ltd. The R&D Corporations are funded principally by the Australian Government.

The Program has four objectives, which are:
1: Improve information delivery and increase decision-making capacity of all agroforestry stakeholders
2: Develop products and markets including environmental services, and new agroforestry systems to meet regional NRM objectives
3: Develop agroforestry designs that optimize social, economic and environmental factors at the paddock, farm and regional-landscape scale
4: Facilitate new policy and institutional arrangements that stimulate agroforestry investment