Space-based technologies – opportunities for the rural sector

  • 76 pages

  • Published: 19 Apr 2021

  • Author(s): Paul Tregoning, Owen Atkin, Simon McClusky, Nan Yang, Martin Amidy, Sarah Adams, Jia-Urnn Lee, Julia Hammer

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-160-7

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Space-based technologies and associated products and services will need to play an increasing role in rural businesses and value chains if Australian agriculture is to reach its goal of being a $100 billion industry by 2030. While this offers great opportunity, there are also barriers to adoption that need addressing for industry to fully harness the available opportunity. To remain internationally competitive while meeting broad social, economic and environmental goals, Australia’s rural sector needs to ensure that it is making the best use of space-based technology.

Previous reports have assessed the impact and potential of individual space-based technologies for particular industries. This report consolidates this information to identify the technologies and applications that are suitable for the Australian context. This report focuses on three main components of space-based technologies that can help address challenges in the rural sector – remote sensing, connectivity and geolocation.