The Impact and Control of Lychee Pepper Spot in Australia

  • 28 pages

  • Published: 3 Dec 2001

  • Author(s): Henry, Drew, Jenny

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The report highlights the results of a telephone survey of 100 lychee growers across Queensland and northern New South Wales carried out in 1999, and of an off-season fungicide trial to control the disease. It also reports the results of a residue trial required by the National Registration Authority to facilitate the issue of an off-label minor use permit for mannose, which can be used as an alternative to copper sprays.

The survey results indicate that the disease has spread rapidly since its first detection in 1982 and is likely to reach all commercial lychee growers within the next few years. While losses across most orchards are currently low, below 1%, losses in individual trees can reach 25% of saleable fruit. The disease is particularly widespread and severe on the most popular commercial variety, Kwan May Pink. To date grower efforts to control the disease have had little success.