The Recent Victorian Drought and its Impact -Without precedent?

  • 92 pages

  • Published: 18 Mar 2013

  • Author(s): Mills, Keely , Gell , Peter , Kershaw, Peter

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In line with many parts of eastern Australia, Western Victoria has been suffering from a prolonged dry spell that has had economic, social and environmental impacts. However, it is uncertain whether such an event is a natural component of long term, natural, climatic variability or whether it has been brought on, or exacerbated by, regional European land use or by human induced global warming.
This research has sought out the lakes that are most likely to be responsive to the past variations in effective moisture, such as past drought events, and analysed them in the highest practical resolution allowing regional changes in rainfall to be inferred, as well as assessing the resilience of many of our wetland ecosystems to future climate stress.