Australian Date Palm Industry strategic vision, research and communication plan
Australian Date Growers Association Inc
Project code: PRJ-013068
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, May 14, 2021
Project completion date: Monday, August 15, 2022
National Priority: NEI - New and Emerging Industries - SM1
This project will consult with industry and associated stakeholders to assess the priorities of the group for the next 5 years. The consultation will identify assumptions and options for a new strategic horizon. The outcomes will inform a literature review into research gaps. A research, development and extension plan will map out the strategic direction, research and communication priorities for the Australian date industry for the next five years.
Industry engagement is critical to the success of the project, it will ensure that the priorities are reflective of their needs, and will ensure that growers “buy into” the outcomes. In the longer term this project will build industry capacity, assisting the ADGA to co-ordinate industry activities (conferences, networking events), allowing them to gain experience working with R&D providers and build upon existing trust between collaborating organisations and growers. This will improve business confidence and motivation to grow the industry.
The plans will provide funding organisations and service providers with a level of confidence in the ADGA’s capacity
to engage in critical, strategic development as a group. It will provide a roadmap to future research which will assist
in the growth and profitability of the Australian date industry.
New and Emerging Industries
Research Organisation
Australian Date Growers Association Inc
Objective Summary
Conduct industry and stakeholder consultation to identify the strategic vision of the group and identify issues
for future research and development efforts.
The development of a Date Industry strategic plan. This will map out the industries strategic vision and intent, through a SWOT analysis of the industry and identify potential operational synergies for others in this space
(industry stakeholders, research groups, sponsors, other emerging groups).
Review of international literature on date research focussed on the priority areas and summarising the gaps. This will identify key science and practice change options using a program logic and focussing on outcomes with a 5 -10 year time-frame.
Map out a communication strategy that balances the needs of the growers with the time and resource limitations of the industry.