Carbon Initiative Objective 3 – Market development pathways for producers.

Common Capital

  • Project code: PRO-013328

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Saturday, May 29, 2021

  • Project completion date: Sunday, May 29, 2022

  • National Priority: TIA - Carbon


This project will deliver an analysis of the threats and opportunities for Australia’s agriculture sector emerging from trends related to net zero emissions. We will provide actionable change strategies (market development pathways) that can be adopted by producers and supported across the agriculture value chain, as well as an interactive impact tool. By way of summary, the project will:

Conduct analysis of supply and demand side trends, and supply chain organisational change, related to decarbonisation. This analysis will include trends emerging in policy, industry and consumer preferences.
Identify a set of scenarios based on the analysed trends, co-defined with stakeholders. The scenarios will include the triggers, timeframes, uptake and likely pricing mechanisms and impacts.
Develop a set of change strategies for actionable ways that producers can respond to these trends and scenarios by mitigating threats and maximising opportunities.
Conduct industry consultation on the project, and the project findings, and seek feedback and input into the change strategies and supporting case studies to ensure they are actionable by the projects ultimate key audience – producers.
Provide an interactive impact tool to analyse a suite of trend scenarios on different market segments.
Create a social media page targeted at producers, as well as accessible collateral for each change strategy with producer guidance and case studies.
Execute a comprehensive communications strategy of project findings and recommendations comprising targeted content and channel delivery for key target audiences including key actors across agriculture and food supply chain, policymakers.


Transformative Industry Action

Research Organisation

Common Capital