Communication of research findings to tea tree oil industry levy payers
Project code: PRJ-011626
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, March 8, 2019
Project completion date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020
National Priority: TTO-Extension, sustainability and human capital
The project aims to deliver for the Australian Tea Tree industry requires a delivery mechanism for communication and extension in the following areas:
i. Awareness of regulatory issues arising in major export destinations (US, EU, Asia) and domestic markets.
ii. Promoting international knowledge and information in tea tree oil and related disciplines via a single source that supports Australian producers.
iii. Monitoring, managing and updating chemical Minor Use Permits (MUP) issued by the APVMA for all pesticides used in tea tree plantations.
iv. Provision of monthly ATTIA member newsletters and quarterly newsletters for both non-members and members to
ensure that any new or emerging developments pertinent to the industry are communicated in a format that is
easily retrieved by members.
v. Develop and deliver industry Fact Sheets for inclusion in marketing/educational communications to Tea Tree Oil customers.
2. Extension in the form of farm visits by ATTIA targeting Far North Queensland (FNQ) and NSW to identify present and future RD&E needs for the industry. Timely analysis, coordination and communication of these issues will ensure that a proactive rather than reactive approach to RD&E is achieved and results are communicated effectively to all stakeholders.
3. Coordination and provision of a Field Day/Symposium for ATTIA members and interested parties involving invited speakers co-ordinated with the annual ATTIA Field Day and AGM.
Tea Tree Oil
Research Organisation
Objective Summary
Monitoring and communication to industry participants of developments in:
1. Regulatory affairs that may impact on the TTO supply chain
2. New literature published in Journals and in other publications
3. Minor Use Permits (MUP) for pesticides including where possible consolidation into a single permit for TT plantations.
4. Publication of monthly ATTIA Newsletters which will be posted to the Members section of the ATTIA website for downloading.
5. Publication of quarterly Newsletters for both non-members and members in the public section of the ATTIA website.
5. Extension visits to ATTIA members and non-members as required to identify, analyse and communicate RD&E needs to ensure a proactive approach to assist in the management emerging issues.
6. Provision of a Field Day/Symposium providing an opportunity for ATTIA members and other interested parties to develop networking connections and foster communication.