Controlling Pythium in Ginger: Phase 2

The State of Queensland acting through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

  • Project code: PRJ-008343

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, February 24, 2012

  • Project completion date: Wednesday, July 31, 2013

  • National Priority: GIN-High quality product and sustainable production systems


This proposal is for a continuing one-year project for research into the control of Pythium Soft Rot in ginger.
Pythium myriotylum is a devastating soil-borne disease of ginger first identified by ginger growers in the 2007/08 growing season (Stirling et al. 2009), with some producers reporting total crop losses in some blocks. Currently processors are not receiving adequate supply of ginger, therefore the disease not only is a threat to individual growers but also to processors that add value to the crop. Collectively the ginger industry is valued at $16m per annum at the farm gate with a further $76m per annum added as first-order processing. Last season, however, approximately $3m was lost at the farm gate due to Pythium Soft Rot.

QDAFF (previously DEEDI) and Rob Abbas Consulting have undertaken field and pot trials in Australia in a previous RIRDC funded project (PRJ-005612), to demonstrate the value of clean planting material and to investigate cultural practices and chemical control strategies to control and limit the spread of Pythium myriotylum.
The Ginger Industry R&D Advisory Committee, in their inaugural meeting on 12 September 2011, voted to extend funding support for research into the control of Pythium Soft Rot in ginger. The planned research is part of Goal 1.1/Action 1.1.2 of the AGIA’s Strategic Plan 2011-2016.



Research Organisation

The State of Queensland acting through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Objective Summary

50% adoption of practices to control Pythium rhizome rot within 2 years after completion of research and dissemination of results.
Reduced losses and increased production of ginger following successful control of Pythium Soft Rot.