Cross Industry Biosecurity and Emergency Animal Disease Awareness

Animal Health Australia

  • Project code: PRJ-010047

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Saturday, May 30, 2015

  • Project completion date: Wednesday, February 28, 2018

  • National Priority: NAP-Facilitate new industry growth through multi-disciplinary approaches that potentially advantage several industries


The aim of this project is to raise awareness of on-farm biosecurity practices and Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) preparedness arrangements in new, emerging and maturing industries. Due to the size and distinct nature of the individual industries in this grouping some minor evaluation of the industries will need to be undertaken. This will be beneficial in two ways as it identify industries of common understanding (for grouping purposes) as well as providing a base line for evaluation purposes.
Once evaluated, industries will be grouped and materials developed that link in with the Farm Biosecurity Program (run by AHA and PHA to raise awareness of same issues in mainstream livestock industries). Materials will require dissemination which will be done via the representative bodies and direct mailout and will include generic biosecurity protocols for production facilities/farms, awareness magnets. Effectively the materials will push industry participants to the Farm Biosecurity website where a dedicated page(s) will provide readers with the necessary information on biosecurity and EAD matters.


New and Emerging Animal Industries

Research Organisation

Animal Health Australia

Objective Summary

1. Raise awareness of the need to implement on-farm biosecurity practices
2. Raise awareness of what biosecurity practices are required for good business risk management
3. Raise awareness of the producers’ responsibilities in reporting a notifiable disease as well as their role in responding to an EAD event
4. Develop and distribute materials that will assist in raising this awareness