Digital viticulture technology for the Canberra Wine District
Viticulture Society of the Canberra District Incorporated Association
Project code: PRO-015310
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Sunday, May 30, 2021
Project completion date: Sunday, April 30, 2023
National Priority: AFI - AgriFood Innovation
This project sponsored through members of the Viticulture Society of the Canberra District Incorporated aims to:
hold a members workshop to identify appropriate digital technology to enable the application of precision viticulture methods at scale for the regions vineyards
develop for participating members individual grower plans post-workshop which outlines their approach to adopt precision viticulture technology
establish and roll-out group technology trials to demonstrate the application of digital technologies equipment and software across a number of members vineyards to prove their efficacy and promote uptake.
AgriFood Innovation
Research Organisation
Viticulture Society of the Canberra District Incorporated Association