Emissions life-cycle assessment for the Australian export fodder industry
Common Capital
Project code: PRO-016598
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Thursday, June 15, 2023
Project completion date: Monday, April 8, 2024
National Priority: FCR-Production of high-quality export-grade fodder
This project is proposed under the second priority in your open call: environmental life-cycle assessment for the export fodder industry.
Export fodder is a key industry in Australia’s agricultural sector, with one-third of commercial scale farm enterprises producing fodder each year. Commercial outcomes for fodder are important across the rural economy.
However, like all export-oriented industries, fodder will likely face increasing pressure on emissions, as key trade partners like Japan and Korea increase their climate ambition and emissions becomes more important in international trade. Understanding fodder emissions intensity and acting on key emissions sources will be key to the future competitiveness of the industry.
This project will deliver a best practice emissions life cycle assessment of the export fodder industry in line with the ISO standard, providing a comprehensive view of value chain emissions for Australian export fodder. Key outputs will include a detailed report on LCA findings and an industry roadmap identifying key priorities for R&D and investment and adoption pathways for the fodder industry to address major emissions sources.
As embodied emissions become a point of competition in export markets, the Australian fodder industry has an opportunity to differentiate itself and cement its enviable international reputation. But this requires a nuanced understanding of current state emissions and reduction pathways. If successful, this project will underpin the development of future R&D and commercial strategies for the fodder industry to support emissions reduction across the supply chain and ensure ongoing access to export markets.
Export Fodder
Research Organisation
Common Capital