Environmental assessment and reporting platform 

Integrity Ag Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRO-015902

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Wednesday, June 15, 2022

  • Project completion date: Friday, March 12, 2027

  • National Priority: CME-Priority 1-Improving environmental sustainability outcomes


This project will develop a platform to collect data and measure industry progress against benchmarks for energy, water, greenhouse gas (GHG), and other important environmental indicators within the emerging Sustainability Framework. It will enable self-reporting of key environmental performance data and assist companies to track performance internally. The system will deliver value to users by helping meet emerging requirements to demonstrate and report environmental performance through the supply chain.

The output will be a key piece of digital infrastructure; a robust, industry-approved and tested platform through which to report and monitor progress against key environmental indicators for multiple purposes at grower, company, and industry scale.

Our recently completed LCA revealed feed as the major source of GHG, energy and water impacts for chicken meat. Key factors which influence the magnitude of impacts are the commodities, their source, and bird nutrition. A sub-project will review (via desktop analysis) a suite of diet formulations that reduce impacts, especially from imported soybean meal, whilst maintaining bird performance. The project team will partner agri-environmental capability with nutrition to investigate diets that are cost-effective, meet commercial expectations for bird performance, and reduce impacts. 


Chicken Meat

Research Organisation

Integrity Ag Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

1. Establish a set of environmental indicators for reporting and benchmarking industry performance. 
2. Design a monitoring platform
3. Annual update of the monitoring tool
4. Use the platform to generate industry results against environmental indicators across 3 financial years. 
5. Determine environmental impacts for a wide range of commercial diets using desktop analysis of least-cost ration formulation and environmental impact assessment (LCA).