Facililtation of Native Foods R&D Workshop and 5 Year Plan Development
Project code: PRJ-000876
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Project completion date: Sunday, March 30, 2008
National Priority: NEPI-Feasibility studies and industry literature reviews
New and Emerging Plant Industries
Research Organisation
Objective Summary
1 Briefly review the projects and their outputs and outcomes against the Objectives and Strategies of the Five Year Plan.
2. Briefly review the results of the industry email survey with respect to their priorities for the R & D program, ensuring that they focus on short term as well as longer term issues for industry.
3 To observe for the initial one day workshop and then facilitate the second day of the workshop with the key participants in the Native Food Industry to be held at the Gold Coast on 13-14 June 2007. A key outcome of this day will be the defining of research and development priorities for the industry for 2008/2009.
4 On the basis of the workshop discussion and other relevant input, prepare a draft five year plan (according to the current RIRDC template) for initial comment by workshop participants and subsequent discussion at the Inaugural AGM of the Australian Native Foods Industry Ltd in late 2007.