Future of Weed Detection
Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc
Project code: PRO-016162
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Thursday, May 12, 2022
Project completion date: Friday, May 12, 2023
Journal Articles From Project: Media Release for 1st work shop Future of Weed Detection Expo (Issue: 1 on 2/9/2022), MSF hosts future of weed detection event at Karoonda Future of Weed Detection Expo (Issue: 1 on 9/2/2022)
National Priority: AFI - AgriFood Innovation
This project will support and provide a great opportunity for farmers in the Mallee region to see and have a hands on experience with specific weed detection technology. After viewing the technology farmers may not see a fit for these systems and that’s why a follow up workshop or field day on farm to show these systems can be adopted and would benefit their farming practices.
AgriFood Innovation
Research Organisation
Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc
Objective Summary
They feel confident to try new technology on farm and will have on going support network to maximise the likelihood of adoption. The support network will come from having hands on experience with these systems. Learn more about Weed detection and site- specific weed control systems that are available and can be easily adapted with a workshop experience. Help reduce chemical utilisation on farm with these systems and target the weeds more not the whole crop. Providing farmers with new technology based systems for weed control that may not have had the opportunity to be demonstrated if this Expo/ field day/ workshop was not available. Once farmers have been able to have hands on and open question time with speakers of these weed detectors they feel they have a better understanding of the systems and which one would be more adapted to there on farm practices with the opportunity for peer to peer learning. More implementation on farm whereas currently weed detection systems don’t seem to be adaptive due to lack of understanding of this equipment.