Nutrient Composition of Chicken
University of New South Wales
Project code: PRJ-002974
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Project completion date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010
National Priority: CME-Priority 3-Contributing to efficient and secure chicken production systems
The National Centre of Excellence for Functional Foods recently completely a review for RIRDC Chicken Meat Program of available information on the nutrient composition of chicken meat. It was found that the dataset for Australian chicken meat is quite outdated (it was last updated in 1998 and there have been a number of genetic changes and changes in feeding and management practices made since that time) and that there are a number of gaps in the data which needed to be filled.
As a result of this review, this project will undertake a new analysis of the nutritional composition of Australian chicken meat and will update the nutritional composition of Australian chicken meat for current strains of birds and to fill gaps in the existing data for input into the Australian nutrient tables (NUTTAB).
Chicken Meat
Research Organisation
University of New South Wales
Objective Summary
1.To determine the gross composition of present day chicken, cooked and raw.
2.To determine the nutrient composition of chicken meat (proximates, vitamins, and minerals, cholesterol and fatty acids.