Optimization of Australian Protein Meals
University of New England
Project code: PRJ-007650
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, June 15, 2012
Project completion date: Friday, May 15, 2015
National Priority: CME-Priority 3-Contributing to efficient and secure chicken production systems
1. Select Australian canola and cottonseed crushers for sampling program. Crushing companies will be contacted and asked to participate in a sampling program.
2. Collect samples and subject to a battery of tests to evaluate protein, fat, fibre, ash, neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen, glucosinolate, sinapine (canola), gossypol (cottonseed) and various selected carbohydrates including sucrose.
3. Scan samples using UNEs NIRS instrument and submit samples to Auscan, Adisseo and/or Evonik for NIRS evaluation.
4. Subsamples of the above will be incorporated into semi-purified diets to determine differences in protein feeding value in meat chickens.
5. Subsamples will be tested for AME, DAA’s and net energy.
6. Subsamples of the above will be incorporated into commercial type diets to determine magnitude of differences in feeding value and to determine the benefit if any of inclusion of dietary exogenous enzymes.
7. Selected samples of canola meal and cottonseed meal will be extracted with ethanol in the laboratory to produce protein concentrates. Protein quality improvement will be examined and a calculation of economic feasibility will be generated. If positive, enough products for a feeding study will be generated and a feeding study conducted.
Chicken Meat
Research Organisation
University of New England
Objective Summary
1. Examine the nutrient and performance variation in commercially available sources of canola and cottonseed meals and evaluate the chemical factors most highly correlated to performance in broilers.
2. Develop methods to improve processing and value of these meals. Methods will focus on removing or minimizing levels of indigestible carbohydrate, anti-nutritional factors and increasing energy and amino acid digestibility. Improvements will include but are not limited to existing process adjustments at selected commercial crushers, enzyme treatment, fermentation and secondary non-hexane solvent extraction at various pH levels.
3. Evaluate developed methods and end products in a series of broiler feeding studies mimicking commercial conditions and using economic analysis as the end point.