Parasitism and control strategies in domesticated buffalo populations

Charles Sturt University

  • Project code: PRJ-010412

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Tuesday, May 31, 2016

  • Project completion date: Tuesday, May 1, 2018

  • National Priority: BUF-Enhance industry success through targeted industry-specific RD&E


This project aims to investigate prevalence, effective management, and anthelmentic control in Australian buffalo populations. Outcomes from the project will result in the compilation of parasite specific information for buffalo management in northern and southern Australia.
This project will contribute to an Larger PhD project investigating parasite control in the intensive buffalo systems of the sub-continent. The project aims to develop parasite control strategies in both Australia and Pakistan. Field work in Pakistan was completed in 2015.



Research Organisation

Charles Sturt University

Objective Summary

The principal aim of this project is to:
1. To identify intestinal parasite species infecting Australian buffaloes using advanced morphological and molecular tools, and to also estimate the prevalence of these parasites in Australian buffalo herds.
2. To optimise molecular tools for the identification of parasites hosted by buffalo.
3. To assess practices (risk factors) that affect the prevalence of parasite positive buffalo in extensive grazing operations of northern and southern Australia.
4. To compare and contrast parasite host/species relationships in buffalo and other common ruminant species.
5. To determine the efficacy of common anthelmentics in buffaloes that have been optimised for use in other ruminant species.
On completion, an updated best practice guideline will be developed for integrated parasite control in Australian buffalo operations.