Pasture Seed Levy Consultancy – Victoria Taylor

Flourish Communication

  • Project code: PRJ-004706

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Monday, August 3, 2009

  • Project completion date: Sunday, June 30, 2013

  • National Priority: PSE-Connecting the value chain


A Pasture Seeds Levy is currently collected on certified seed of temperate legume species. The RIRDC Pasture Seeds Advisory Committee, along with the Seed Committee of the Grains Council of Australia wish to explore streamlining the collection of the levy and broadening the base to include other pasture seeds. They have identified a number of production areas which could benefit from an R&D programme and wish to include them within the levy collection regime.

This plan has been developed to assist in determining how all issues could be moved forward simultaneously in order to have a full package of reforms ready to be presented to producers and government at one time.


Pasture Seeds

Research Organisation

Flourish Communication

Objective Summary

This plan has been developed to enable all proposed changes to the levy to be progressed simultaneously. This plan predominantly sets out the proposed work plan for Victoria Taylor and does not extend to determining the specific tasks for RIRDC and peak bodies. It is designed so that Victoria Taylor can manage different groups as they work through the Levy Principles while collating the key data for RIRDC/DAFF.