Rice Industry Introduction to Leadership Program

Ricegrowers' Association of Australia

  • Project code: PRJ-007788

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Sunday, July 15, 2012

  • Project completion date: Saturday, December 15, 2012

  • National Priority: RIC-Strengthened industry capacity


There a a number of leadership development needs for the Australian rice industry:
. develop a cohort of leaders for succession planning and strategic contributions on boards, committees, and in the rice industry and its communities as a whole:
. develop advocacy and governance capacity in the sector;
. develop self-aware, forward thinking strategic leaders who can build the sector and region into the future.



Research Organisation

Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia

Objective Summary

The overall objectives of the leadership program are to assist participants to:
. deepen their understanding and appreciation of the need for flexible and responsive leadership;
. introduce the participants to foundational aspects and skills of effective leadership;
. develop greater self-awareness and adaptability in terms of behavioural responses, management style, and leadership approach;
. develop a structured pathway for future leadership development;
. foster ongoing relationships for peer support in the rice industry;
. engage in a larger national netowkr of leaders through the Ausrralia Rural Leadership Foundation’s Network of Fellows.