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Q&A Sessions: AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award & Acceleration Grant

These sessions are intended to provide clarity around the differences between the two programs and the respective eligibility criteria.

Global Innovation Networks

How technology can help safeguard Australian ag from biosecurity threats

Biosecurity is one of the greatest threats to Australian agriculture. With around 70% of the $83 billion industry's outputs exported annually, we cannot afford for it to be compromised.

4 min read

Workforce and Leadership

Diving into the opportunities presented by aquaculture and marine bioproducts

When you think of agriculture, typically cattle, sheep, and crops come to mind, despite the industry being incredibly diverse. Fostering an appreciation for its breadth among young students is essential for a future that explores the many opportunities the industry presents.

3 min read

Our vision is to grow the long-term prosperity of Australian rural industries. Since our inception in 1990, AgriFutures Australia, formerly RIRDC, has grown and developed alongside our 13 levied industries and we’re honoured to continue this important role in supporting the growth and overall success of Australian agriculture.

Learn more about AgriFutures Australia

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Our Industries

Chicken Meat

Chicken Meat