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Q&A Sessions: AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award & Acceleration Grant

These sessions are intended to provide clarity around the differences between the two programs and the respective eligibility criteria.

Chicken Meat

Eight new research projects to boost the chicken meat industry

In 2023, the Program sought research proposals that were innovative and had the potential to bring transformative change in some of the above priority areas. The Program called for proposals that addressed the current needs and challenges of the chicken meat industry, including an unprecedented period of biosecurity threats and an industry that is continuously striving to strengthen its sustainability credentials. As a result, the Chicken Meat Program has contracted eight new research projects adding to the thirteen projects already underway in the Program, plus its extension activities.

6 min read

Thoroughbred Horses

Reminder: Keep an eye out for caterpillar eggs and nests during high-risk period

As we approach the high-risk period for exposure to hairy processionary caterpillars (Ochrogaster lunifer), it is crucial for stud staff to remain vigilant. These caterpillars, or their nest material, can cause significant harm to pregnant mares, leading to equine amnionitis and fetal loss (EAFL) syndrome. This condition can result in mid- to late-term abortion or the birth of premature, weak, and underdeveloped foals.

4 min read

Our vision is to grow the long-term prosperity of Australian rural industries. Since our inception in 1990, AgriFutures Australia, formerly RIRDC, has grown and developed alongside our 13 levied industries and we’re honoured to continue this important role in supporting the growth and overall success of Australian agriculture.

Learn more about AgriFutures Australia

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Chicken Meat

Chicken Meat