Corporate Governance

A strong corporate governance framework ensures our organisation is successful in meeting our vision and goals, whilst acting in the best interests of our stakeholders. The Australian Government provides the legislative framework under which we operate. Our enabling legislation is the Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989.
Our legislative requirements
Funding Agreement 2025-2034
The AgriFutures Statutory Funding Agreement for 2025-2034 will take effect on 1 January 2025, replacing the previous 2020-2030 agreement.
This update incorporates necessary amendments resulting from the ‘levies modernisation’ legislative changes.
Download the 2020-2030 Funding Agreement
Download the 2025-2034 Funding Agreement
Key Documents
- Letter from The Hon. David Littleproud MP, to Chair – Mrs Kay Hull AO
- Guidelines for Statutory Funding Agreements
- Best Practice Guide to Stakeholder Consultation
- National Agricultural Innovation Policy Statement
- RDC Knowledge Transfer and Commercialisation Guide
- Board Governance Manual
- Audit Committee Charter
Indexed list of files
As part of Standing Orders of the Senate, AgriFutures Australia is required to provide access to an indexed list of the titles of all relevant files, including new parts of existing files, that it has created from 1 January 1998.
- January 2023 – June 2023
- July 2023 – December 2023
- January 2024 – June 2024
- July 2024 – December 2024
Privacy Statement
The AgriFutures Australia privacy policy sets out how we comply with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act).
AgriFutures Australia Privacy Statement
Fraud Control
The AgriFutures Australia Fraud Control Policy and Plan sets out the approach for the prevention and management of fraud or allegations of fraud within AgriFutures Australia.
AgriFutures Australia risk appetite for fraud is zero tolerance. The Fraud Control Policy and Plan includes the process for notification of any suspected fraud and the relevant contacts.
- AgriFutures Australia Fraud Control Policy and Plan 2025-26
- AgriFutures Australia Fraud Control – Allegation Reporting Template and Guidelines
Public Interest Disclosure
A Public Interest Disclosure may be lodged with the AgriFutures Australia Authorised Officer, who is the General Manager, Corporate, via email:
AgriFutures Australia Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedure
Portfolio Budget Statement
The Portfolio Budget Statement (PBS) informs Senators and Members of Parliament of the proposed allocation of resources to Government outcomes by agencies within a portfolio. Agencies receive resources from the annual appropriations bills, special appropriations (including standing appropriations and special accounts) and revenue from other sources.
- AgriFutures Australia Portfolio Budget Statement 2019-20
- AgriFutures Australia Portfolio Budget Statement 2020-21
- AgriFutures Australia Portfolio Budget Statement 2021-22
- AgriFutures Australia Portfolio Budget Statement 2022-23
- AgriFutures Australia Portfolio Budget Statement 2023-24
- AgriFutures Australia Portfolio Budget Statement 2024-25
Senate Order 16 – Departmental and Agency Grants (Minchin Order)
Senate Order 16 – Departmental and Agency Grants (Minchin Order) – May 2024, nil response
Senate Order for Entity Contracts
The Senate Order on Entity Contracts requires AgriFutures Australia to list contracts with an estimated value of $100,000 or more and which were:
1. Not fully performed as at the end of the financial year; or
2. Entered into during the 12 months prior to the end of the financial year.
- Senate Order on Entity Contracts 2021-22
- Senate Order on Entity Contracts 2022-23
- Senate Order on Entity Contracts 2023-24
Senior Executive Remuneration
Commonwealth Entities and Commonwealth Companies are required to publish information detailing the scope and value of remuneration for executive and other highly paid staff on their website.
AgriFutures Australia Executive Remuneration FY2021-22
Work Health and Safety Policy
Acknowledgement of Funding
Research investments made by AgriFutures Australia, and publications and communication materials pertaining to those investments, are funded by industry levy payers and/or the Australian Government.
How we Manage Performance
How we are performing for you
As measured against the 2020-2030 Statutory Funding Agreement Guidelines and Performance Principle KPIs.
Statutory Funding Agreement – Annual Performance Meeting – 2021-22 Report to the Department
Statutory Funding Agreement – Measurement Framework – 2022-23 Performance Metrics
Statutory Funding Agreement – Annual Performance Meeting – 2022-23 Report to the Department
Statutory Funding Agreement – Measurement Framework – 2023-2024 Performance Metrics
Statutory Funding Agreement – Measurement Framework – 2023-24 Report to the Department
Statutory Funding Agreement – Measurement Framework – 2024-2025 Performance Metrics
Review of Performance 2018
Review of Performance 2024
Business Operations
AgriFutures Australia Program Framework
The AgriFutures Australia Program Framework informs the development of key planning and reporting documents such as the Strategic R&D Plan, Annual Operational Plan and Annual Report.
AgriFutures Australia Evaluation Framework
The AgriFutures Australia Evaluation Framework outlines how investment decisions are made and how performance impacts of program investments are evaluated.
AgriFutures Australia Events Code of Conduct
AgriFutures Australia is committed to ensuring that no person feels unsafe during any event. AgriFutures Australia requires all attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at any AgriFutures Australia event to agree with the following code of conduct.
- AgriFutures Australia Events – Code of Conduct
- AgriFutures Australia Events Supplier – Code of Conduct
Advisory Panel Operations
- AgriFutures Australia Advisory Panel – Code of Conduct
- AgriFutures Australia Advisory Panel – Terms of Reference
Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Enterprise Agreement
The AgriFutures Australia Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025 was approved under the Fair Work Act 2009 and came into operation on 16 February 2022.
Our engagement approach
Consultation Framework and Plan
An overarching consultation plan and framework, that outlines AgriFutures Australia’s approach to consultation, the mechanisms used and consultation activities utilised to promote stakeholder engagement across the business. This consultation plan and framework have been designed around six key principles: transparent; accessible; straightforward; well planned; fit for purpose; and responsive. These principles underpin meaningful, best practice consultation that is conducted in a genuine, frank, and respectful manner, promoting trust at the centre of all AgriFutures stakeholder interactions.
Freedom of Information
The broad objective of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) is to give the Australian community access to information held by the Government of the Commonwealth. Reforms to the FOI Act which came into effect on 1 May 2011 are aimed at promoting a pro-disclosure culture across government, building a stronger foundation for greater openness and transparency in government operations. AgriFutures Australia is committed to a proactive approach to publishing information which it holds to the benefit of rural industries, the research community and the broader Australian public.
AgriFutures Australia operates under the direction of a Board of Directors. Our headquarters is in Wagga Wagga and our corporate contact details are:
AgriFutures Australia
Building 007
Tooma Way
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 588
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
How to make a request for access to documents under the FOI Act
Requests made under the FOI Act must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be in writing
- State that the request is an application for the purposes of the FOI Act
- Provide such information concerning the document that will allow AgriFutures Australia to identify it
- Provide detail of how notices provided by AgriFutures Australia in relation to the FOI request can be sent to the applicant.
AgriFutures Australia documents
AgriFutures Australia publishes or holds corporate documents such as the Annual Report, Corporate Plan and Annual Operational Plan. These are free while stocks are available. They are also available for free download from AgriFutures Australia website.
View all corporate publications
AgriFuture Australia’s extensive research library is available for viewing and downloading for free in the Knowledge Hub. Hard copies can be purchased online via the Knowledge Hub, or by phoning 1300 634 313.
Accessing information
Formal requests for information under the FOI Act must be made in writing to the FOI Coordinator.
In many cases, an application under the FOI Act may not be required as information or documents may be readily available.
An up-to-date listing of projects funded by AgriFutures Australia is detailed in our Research-in-Progress publications and also on the AgriFutures Australia website. Funding information on individual projects is available upon request.
Processing of FOI requests
Upon receipt of an FOI request, AgriFutures Australia will provide an acknowledgement of receipt within 14 days. In accordance with the FOI Act, a decision must be notified to the FOI Applicant within 30 days of receipt. However, as some documents may be subject to a third-party consultation process, the FOI Act provides agencies with the right to extend the applicable timeframe by an additional 30 days. If consultation is required, applicants will be informed accordingly.
Fees and charges
FOI requests made to AgriFutures Australia on or after 1 November 2010 no longer require an application fee to be paid. However, the FOI Act provides that charges may be imposed for processing requests (except where applicants are seeking documents containing their own personal information). Should an FOI request incur any charges, applicants will be provided with an estimate of the applicable charges. Requests will not proceed until applicants provide a response to the estimate.
AgriFutures Australia may decide to remit, reduce or not impose processing charges under certain circumstances.
Review rights
Following receipt of the decision on access, applicants are entitled to seek an internal review of the decision and must write to FOI Coordinator within 30 days of being notified of the decision.
Alternatively, applicants may write to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) seeking a review of AgriFuture’s decision. This can be done as a result of either the initial decision or the internal review decision.
Subsequent review options after internal review and OAIC review are also available. The complete process for seeking a review on access is provided in the decision letter sent to the applicant at the completion of the request.
General Manager, Corporate
AgriFutures Australia
Building 007
Tooma Way
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 588
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Information Publication Scheme
Part II of the FOI Act establishes an Information Publication Scheme (IPS) for Australian Government agencies subject to the FOI Act. The IPS commenced on 1 May 2011 and requires agencies to publish a broad range of information on their websites.
AgriFutures Australia Agency Information Plan describes how it intends to comply with the IPS.
In accordance with sub-section 8(2) of the FOI Act, AgriFutures Australia publishes the following information:
The following information is located in the About section of this website:
- Our People – including bio’s on all Director’s, Audit Committee Members, Advisory Panel Members, and the AgriFutures organisational structure
- Our Arenas – AgriFutures Australia has four distinct arenas that define programs of work and represent the organisation’s broad commitments in delivering on the priorities of the Australian Government, our stakeholders and our ultimate goal to create thriving rural industries and vibrant regional communities. Each arena has a goal, desired outcome, programs for delivery and strategic priorities.
- Careers – this section includes employment information and opportunities, AgriFutures workplace values, and the AgriFutures Australia Enterprise Agreement 2018-2021
Corporate Documents – AgriFutures Australia produces a range of corporate publications designed to help our stakeholders better understand our organisation, our industry priorities, the context in which we operate and the emerging issues and trends we see on the horizon. - Corporate Governance – The following information is located in the corporate governance section of this website:
- Funding Agreement 2020-2030
- Board Governance Manual
- Audit Committee Charter
- Indexed list of files
- Privacy Statement
- Program Framework
- Evaluation Framework
- Events Code of Conduct
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Enterprise Agreement
- Fraud Control Policy and Plan 2020-2022
- Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedure
- Portfolio Budget Statements
- Senate Order for Entity Contracts
- Senior Executive Remuneration
- Review of Performance
- Terms and Condition of Purchase
- Work Health and Safety Policy
- Preferred Suppliers
- Freedom of Information
- Information Publication Scheme
- Information Publication Plan
- Disclosure Log
Rural Industries
This section provides information on each of our thirteen levied industries.
People and Leadership
This section provides information on programs such as Horizon Scholarships, Ignite Networks, Rural Women’s Award, and capacity building opportunities for industries, amongst others.
National Rural Issues
This section provides information on topics such as Ag Innovation, AgVet Chemicals, Emerging Trends, Health a Safety, Community Trust and Provenance, amongst others.
This section provides information on programs such as Rural R&D for Profit, ExtensionAUS, Cooperative Research Centres Program, and Biomass & Bioenergy.
Publications & Resources
This section provides information on Publications, Farm Diversity Search, News, Podcasts, and Events. AgriFutures Australia’s extensive research library of publications is available for viewing, free downloading or purchasing from our print-on-demand portal.
For Researchers
The following information is located in the For Researchers section of this website:
- Our Research Priorities
- Contact points for submitting your great research ideas that may align with our strategic priorities
- Applying for Research Funding through our list of current open calls, RFT, and RFQ opportunities
AgriFutures Australia stakeholder survey
AgriFutures is committed to providing high quality research products and services and effectively engaging with its stakeholders. An annual stakeholder survey helps to measure our performance against our key performance indicators and to identify opportunities for improvement.
Independent market and social researchers are commissioned to enable our stakeholders to provide feedback on an anonymous basis and to ensure objectivity in the collection and analysis of survey responses.
Privacy Statement
This section includes information about the AgriFutures Australia Privacy Policy, our obligations under the Privacy Act, types of personal information collected and held, storage of personal information, Privacy Impact Assessments, and how to contact us.
The views expressed and the conclusions reached in the reports presented on this website are those of the authors and not necessarily those of persons consulted. AgriFutures Australia shall not be responsible in any way whatsoever to any person who relies in whole or in part on the contents of such reports.
Contact us
All contact details for general enquiries, the Leadership Team, Publications and Communications.
Website Feedback
We are always eager to hear from our stakeholders and want to ensure the information you need is accessible, easy to find and useful. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our website you can contact us directly.
Website Terms of Use
The AgriFutures Australia website (“our website”) is owned and operated by Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC) trading as AgriFutures Australia. Each reference in these terms of use to “our website” includes all materials that we make available to you on our website. By using our website, you agree to comply with these terms of use and our Cookie Policy.
Cookie Policy
For more information about the use of cookies when visiting our website, you can contact AgriFutures Australia at any time.
General Manager, Corporate
AgriFutures Australia
Building 007
Tooma Way
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 588
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
02 6923 6900
Information Publication Plan
AgriFutures Australia is an agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). The 2010 reforms to the FOI Act included the introduction of the Information Publication Scheme (IPS). This plan describes how AgriFutures Australia intends to comply with the IPS by managing its IPS entry.
The purpose of this plan is to:
- Identify information AgriFutures Australia proposes to publish for the purposes of Part II of the FOI Act
- Identify how and to whom AgriFutures Australia proposes to publish information for the purposes of Part II of the FOI Act
- How AgriFutures Australia will otherwise comply with Part II of the FOI Act.
AgriFutures Australia’s objectives are to outline appropriate procedures to:
- Manage its information holdings relevant to the IPS
- Proactively identify and publish all information required to be published
- Proactively identify and publish all operational information
- Review information published under the IPS on a regular basis to ensure that is accurate, up-to-date and complete
- Ensure that information published under the IPS is discoverable, understandable and re-useable
- Ensure that the format of online content conforms with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0 (WCAG 2.0)
- Measure the success of AgriFutures Australia’s contribution to the IPS by reference to feedback and review processes
- Any other specific agency objectives as announced from time to time.
Establishing AgriFutures Australia’s contribution to the IPS
The General Manager, Corporate has overall responsibility for leading AgriFutures Australia’s work on implementing the FOI reforms, including the IPS. AgriFutures Australia is responsible for administration of Freedom of Information, communications and publishing.
AgriFutures Australia identified information required or permitted to be published under the FOI Act by:
- Requesting Programs within AgriFutures Australia to review their functions and information holdings to identify material relevant to the IPS
- Identifying information to be published under the IPS section of AgriFutures Australia’s website
- Ensuring information to be published under the IPS section of the website was up to date, complete and accurate.
Timeframes for establishing the IPS at AgriFutures Australia are as follows:
- New Freedom of Information & IPS internet pages made available on AgriFutures Australia website – Completed
- Staff awareness of the intent of the new FOI reforms – Completed
- Publication of documents released following an FOI decision – Ongoing based on when documents are released following an FOI request (in accordance with timeframes specified in FOI Act).
- Publication of information required to be published under sub-section 8(2) of the FOI Act. – Progressively from 1 May 2011 onwards.
- Review of AgriFutures Australia Web content to ensure ongoing information is up to date, WCAG 2.0 compliant and relevant. – Annually, commencing Jan 2012
- Review of AgriFutures Australia IPS compliance– Annually, in conjunction with the Web content review.
Administering AgriFutures Australia’s contribution to the IPS
The General Manager, Corporate is responsible for managing the IPS and will maintain registers of information required to be published under the FOI Act. AgriFutures Australia will assist the Communications Team to develop guidance material to explain AgriFutures Australia’s responsibilities for contributing to the IPS. The guidance material will:
- Help staff identify on an ongoing basis any required or optional information to be published under the IPS
- Describe processes to be followed internally to ensure the accuracy, currency and completeness of published information.
To ensure information published on the AgriFutures Australia website is discoverable, understandable, machine-readable, accessible, useable, up-to-date and accurate, the AgriFutures Australia ICT team will:
- Engage in formal web content reviews conducted annually to determine whether any new or updated information needs to be published to comply with the IPS
- As far as possible, ensure published information complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0 (WCAG 2.0).
In promoting a pro-disclosure culture, AgriFutures Australia intends to make documentation available free of charge by primarily publishing information on its website.
While AgriFutures Australia will endeavour to provide as much documentation as possible online, some documentation is unable to be published. This includes material that is exempt under the FOI Act or for which an FOI request must be submitted. Enquiries about the status of a document or information should be made initially to:
FOI Coordinator, General Manager, Corporate
AgriFutures Australia
Building 007
Tooma Way
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 588
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
02 6923 6900
Requests for multiple copies of archived documents which are no longer available online may attract a charge for the cost of photocopying, postage etc. AgriFutures Australia will notify the applicant of any potential charge at the time of the request and the charge will be payable prior to release of the document.
Information Architecture
To ensure documents are easily discoverable, understandable and machine-readable, AgriFutures Australia will publish its IPS information holdings on its website and:
- Include navigation from the About section of its website to the IPS page
- Place an IPS logo on the Freedom of Information page
- Where possible, create content in a format that is searchable
- Provide a link for feedback on the IPS to ascertain if the content is discoverable, understandable and machine-readable.
IPS information holdings will be available online as outlined in the Information Publication Scheme.
As far as possible, information published to comply with the IPS will conform to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C’s) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0 (WCAG 2.0).
Some documents cannot be provided in HTML format and some will be made available to download and share in Portable Document Format (PDF). Where possible, AgriFutures Australia has taken steps to ensure that alternate formats are available, commonly Rich Text Format (RTF). For downloadable documents, an icon appears alongside the document link to indicate the file type and size.
Alternate Repositories
A number of AgriFutures Australia documents have either an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) or International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Where these numbers apply, the document will make note of such a number accordingly.
IPS Compliance Review
The review will examine AgriFutures Australia’s compliance with the IPS requirements along with a review of this plan at least annually, which will coincide with the annual web content review.
Various criteria will be used to measure AgriFutures Australia’s compliance with the IPS requirements, including:
- Feedback from the public
- Timeframes in which AgriFutures Australia publishes information online
- Communication between AgriFutures Australia and members of the public in relation to accessing documents published online.
In accordance with section 9 of the FOI Act, AgriFutures Australia intends to review the operation of its IPS at least every five years commencing from 1 May 2011. Such a review will be undertaken in conjunction with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
AgriFutures Australia welcomes feedback on the approach it proposes to take to complying with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) outlined in this plan.
Disclosure Log
AgriFutures Australia is required by the FOI Act 1982 (s11C) to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.
The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:
- Personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- Information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- Other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- Any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.
AgriFutures Australia will try to meet all reasonable requests for an alternative format of the document in a timely manner and at the lowest reasonable cost to the applicant.
Information attached to, or referred to, in the AgriFutures Australia Disclosure Log will generally be removed after 12 months, unless the information has enduring public value.
The information described in this disclosure log has been released by AgriFutures Australia under the FOI Act 1982 and is available for public access.
A charge may be imposed to reimburse AgriFutures Australia for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it.
There will be no charge for the time spent by AgriFutures Australia in processing the FOI request that led to this information being made available. Applicants will be notified if any charge is payable and required to pay the charge before the information is provided.
A link is provided if the information can be downloaded from this website or another website.
Information that is not available on our website or in this Disclosure Log, or that is not available in HTML format, may be obtained by writing to:
FOI Coordinator, General Manager, Corporate
AgriFutures Australia
Building 007
Tooma Way
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 588
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
02 6923 6900