Late bloomer scientist uses Grant to grow vanilla
Vanilla is an emerging rural industry in Australia with huge potential. There is one major roadblock which is preventing the spice from really taking off.
These online workshops will introduce emerging industry producers to using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) to analyse and plan business development. The BMC supports farmers to focus on marketplace strategy, production efficiency and managing money.
Participants leave with a useable ‘plan on a page’ for their business.
Previous emerging industry BMC participants have described what they learned:
Dates (we encourage you to do both sessions, but welcome participants in just one or other session):
25 October - 8 November 2024
Online via teams
These 2 x 4 hour online workshops will introduce participants to using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) process for planning.
The workshops will be delivered by RM Consulting Group (RMCG) expert trainers in agribusiness.