Jen Medway, Senior Manager of Rural Futures at AgriFutures Australia, said the pre-farm gate waste program has been launched to support innovative ideas and options for the avoidance, recycling and reuse of pre-farm gate waste, and ensure there is clear direction and coordination of activities for the sector to achieve the required change.
“Historically we have looked largely at downstream waste, food and food packaging, but on-farm plastics and waste are often overlooked,” said Ms Medway.
AgriFutures Australia is seeking applications from individuals and organisations who are currently developing waste solutions for rural industries or can bring an understanding of the waste ecosystem as it relates to Australian producers to respond to the Open Call: Pre-Farm Gate Waste Program.
The key waste streams produced by agriculture, fisheries and forestry include organic matter (plant and animal), plastics (hard and soft) and hard waste (hazardous and non-hazardous). Although there is a strong framework guiding waste management at the national level, there is limited guidance on how to implement these frameworks at an industry level.
The open call seeks to explore opportunities and challenges related to pre-farm gate waste and scope out a research program which looks holistically at the issue of waste across rural industries.
“The effective management of waste will result in positive environmental impacts and assist farmers to meet sustainability targets,” said Ms Medway. “We need to make sure we are offering farmers more sustainable alternatives and devising innovative ways to repurpose hard plastics and other waste once they are no longer being used on-farm.”
There is currently a lack of consistency and understanding in pre-farm gate waste management, with complex waste management processes and legislation for different streams causing confusion for Australian producers in best practices for disposal of pre-farm waste. This often means waste is disposed of in harmful practices, including burning or burying that require careful environmental management.