AgriFutures Agritech Event Sponsorship Program to showcase Australian agritech and innovation


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Key Points

  • This government-funded program ensures that innovators are connected with end-users closer to the farm gate than ever before.
  • Event organisers, agritech developers and research organisations are all eligible to receive grants.
  • Applications close Monday, 28 August 2023 at 5.00pm AEST.

AgriFutures Australia is facilitating a grant funding program of up to $50,000 to organisations to hold agricultural events with a technology and innovation focus in regional communities.

Supported by the Australian Government’s Support Regional Trade Events measure and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the AgriFutures Agritech Event Sponsorship Program serves as a catalyst for regional agricultural events that showcase Australian agritech and agricultural innovation.

The program seeks to foster commercialisation opportunities, attract investment and elevate the profile of Australian agritech companies. It will connect agritech developers, primary producers, investors, research and development organisations to drive adoption and propel the industry forward.

Belinda Allitt, Acting General Manager, Global Innovation Networks, AgriFutures Australia said the program is about ensuring a national, inclusive approach to innovation.

“Whilst we often talk about Australian agriculture in broad terms, this industry is in fact made up of hundreds of different regions and sectors, each with its own challenges and opportunities,” she said.

“An apiarist on Kangaroo Island will see innovation through an entirely different perspective from a cattle station operator in the Kimberley, yet they each have an important role to play in the Australian agriculture story.

“This program is about arming regional communities with the financial support they need to promote agricultural innovation, through their own local context.”

Historically, the larger innovation and agritech events have been held in major urban centres, but this program ensures that innovators are connected with end-users closer to the farm gate than ever before.

The AgriFutures Agritech Event Sponsorship Program is aimed at any community beyond the major capital cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra and welcomes applications from the most remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, through to bustling regional centres.

The program is open to:

  • Event organisers in regional Australia that plan to host agricultural events with an agritech and/or innovation focus.
  • Agritech developers who are wanting to host functions to showcase their innovations and technology to end users and/or investors.
  • Research and development organisations who are wanting to host functions to showcase their innovations and technology to end users and/or investors.


Click here to find out more & apply

Media Assets

Please ensure all images are credited “Image supplied by AgriFutures Australia.”

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