Cash Up For Grabs for Creative Cautionary Tales: Farm Safety Student Video Comp Closing SOON!


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The Primary Industries Health and Safety Partnership (PIHSP) is reminding creative students from across the country to get their entries in to its inaugural Farm Safety Student Video Competition for the chance to pick up $1,000 in prize money.

The competition is open to high school and university or agriculture college students, and closes in four weeks’ time (Tuesday, 18 April 2017).

It has been established to help reduce injury and death in the agricultural industry by challenging students to create and submit a video about an element of farm safety that will better foster peer–to-peer learning.

PIHSP Chairman Patrick Murphy said the competition has had a high level of interest to date.

“Promotion of the competition has served as a promising tool in opening up the conversation around how farm safety is viewed by the younger generation,” Mr Murphy said.

“From a student’s perspective it’s also quite a lucrative competition in that the winner from each category – high school and tertiary – will receive $1,000 in prize money, and the runner up in each category will receive $500 each.”

The goal of PIHSP is to improve the health and safety of workers and their families in farming industries across Australia. It is funded by the Cotton, Grains and Rural Industries Research and Development Corporations, as well as the Australian Meat Processor Corporation and Meat & Livestock Australia.

The inaugural competition aims to raise awareness about farm safety in agriculture’s next generation, using the words and vision, of 13 to 21 year old’s to encourage better safety behaviour among their peers, families and Australia’s broader farming sector.

“We hope to see a large variety of topics featured in the entrants’ videos, from quad bike safety to safely yarding cattle to changing a tyre on a tractor, and everything in between,” Mr Murphy said.

All videos will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Impact of message about farm safety
  • Public benefit
  • Research
  • Creativity
  • Originality
  • The entrants’ reasons for wanting to promote farm safety in Australia.

The videos will be uploaded to the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation YouTube site, as well as other social media avenues.

Entries close Tuesday, 18 April 2017 and winners will be announced Friday, 28 April 2017.

For Terms & Conditions and Application Forms, please visit:

Media contact: James Tolmie, 0439 991 082
The Primary Industries Health and Safety Partnership (PIHSP) is funded by the Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC), Cotton Research & Development Corporation (CRDC), Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC), Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC). The PIHSP aims to drive sustainable improvements to work health and safety outcomes in agriculture, forestry and fishing through investment in RD&E.

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