Food and Fibre with Flair collaboration connecting women in rice and cotton


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Rice Extension’s Women in Rice are joining forces with Wincott – Women in Cotton to bring Food and Fibre with Flair to Griffith on Tuesday, 19 June 2018. The event will unite women in the rice and cotton industries, and promote education and empowerment for women in rural communities.

Rice Extension have held several successful Women in Rice events to foster leadership in the rice industry and are building on past events to connect with Wincott who share a similar mission.

Wincott – Women in Cotton was established to support rural women across the Australian cotton industry, through facilitating opportunities to connect with rural women and develop personal and professional knowledge and skills.

Food and Fibre with Flair will allow women in the rice and cotton industries to network with likeminded women and share knowledge. The event will provide a platform to share resources and create support networks in the local rural community as well as foster discussion about the opportunities and challenges facing women in agriculture.

The collaboration is a first and Wincott’s Regional Representative for Murrumbidgee, Liz Stott said they’re looking forward to working together to educate the community about the importance of collaborative industries.

“The coexistence of the rice and cotton farming systems around our area has been increasing over the past few years, and we thought it would be a great opportunity for women involved in one or the other, or both, to come together and share their knowledge and experiences,” said Ms Stott.

Attendees will hear from industry experts on a range of topics affecting the rice and cotton industry, such as Liz Stott on the Murray Darling Basin Plan, as well as insights on how to improve workplace relations and professional development from Workplace Assured’s, Ben Foley.

Murrumbidgee Rice Extension Officer, Leah Garnett said rural leader and facilitator Robbie Sefton’s presentation ‘Who is the invisible farmer?’ will strike a chord with many in the room.

“Robbie’s session will ask the big questions to get women to understand their contribution to the farming business. We know women are the book keepers, HR managers, tractor drivers, marketing guru, primary care-giver and much more, yet many will still describe themselves as ‘just a farmer’s wife’,” said Ms Garnett.

Women from all agricultural industries with all ranges of experience and knowledge are invited to attend and are encouraged to bring along family and friends.

Chair of Wincott, Sally Dickinson, said the cross-industry collaboration will build on previous successful events based on partnerships.
“Wincott have experienced a lot of success through partnerships and collaborations with other organisations and this event is a great example of rural women and women in agriculture working together to produce improved outcomes and results. Wincott isn’t just about women in cotton, we aim to provide a platform to support all woman in the rural communities of cotton growing areas,” said Ms Dickenson.

Food and Fibre with Flair is an addition to previous Women in Rice events held in 2017 in Jerilderie and Coleambally, and will be a building block for further partnerships to connect women in agriculture and drive change in rural industries.

Rice Extension is funded by rice growers and the Australian Government through AgriFutures Australia. Rice Extension supports the adoption of innovation and research and development outcomes in the Australian rice industry.

Event details:
Food and Fibre with Flair Griffith
Pioneer Park Museum
Remembrance Drive, Griffith
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
10:00am – 2pm morning tea and lunch provided

Register to attend

Follow: Rice Extension on Facebook and Twitter @RiceExtension #womeninrice
Wincott – Women in Cotton on Facebook

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