Led by Cotton Research and Development Corporation Project Manager, Cathy Phelps, the research program is a collaborative partnership between five of the major irrigation industries, key research organisations and local farmer groups.
“Smarter Irrigation for Profit Phase II has brought together some of the best irrigation researchers in the country. These researchers are actively working across Australia’s irrigation industries to develop new irrigation technologies, to improve irrigation scheduling techniques and to investigate strategies to reduce water storage evaporation.”
“There is a strong focus on offering practical, cost effective strategies to improve efficiencies at a farm level, a critical requirement to enhance broad adoption of new tools and technologies throughout the irrigation industry,” said Ms Phelps.
Smarter Irrigation for Profit Phase II Integration Coordinator Louise Gall said that one of the projects core strengths its applicability across a number of fields.
“Australian irrigation industries including cotton, dairy, sugar, rice and grains are using research and innovation to enhance productivity and profitability of over 4,000 farmers.