The video offers tips for exhibitors and poultry enthusiasts, highlighting what individuals can do to mitigate biosecurity risk before, during and after a show.
RIRDC Program Manager, Michael Beer encouraged those involved in the exhibition industry to share the video and take note of the important messages.
“The video brings to life key biosecurity messages and is a practical way of reinforcing biosecurity standards in the poultry fanciers and exhibition community.
“We are always looking for engaging ways to connect with industry and encourage adoption of best practice. This is just one way we are continuing to improve awareness and implementation of biosecurity measures,” said Mr Beer.
With the 2017 national show circuit underway, Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Poultry Committee Chair, Adrian Saines said the exhibition bird biosecurity video is a timely reminder for exhibition groups, individuals exhibiting birds, breeders and those involved in live bird sales.