With a common goal of building a $100 billion agriculture sector by 2030, the Forum discussions explored how together we can deliver benefits to the entire nation and ensure the long-term profitability and sustainability of rural industries.
The Forum brought together more than 100 attendees including representatives from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR), National Farmers’ Federation (NFF), levied industries, new and emerging industries, emerging leaders, AgriFutures™ Rural Women’s Award Alumni, AgriFutures™ Horizon Scholars and key private sector stakeholders including Westpac, KPMG and Rural Bank.
“This is the first time in we have asked our networks to gather in one location and that’s because the most important part of our future is our networks and our connections,” said Kay Hull AM, AgriFutures Australia Chair.
“The people we work with, the industries we serve, the partnerships we have and the new ones we forge are intrinsically linked to our new and exciting direction.”
AgriFutures Australia’s new direction is backed by a new Strategic R&D Plan 2017-2022 and a focus on growing the long-term prosperity of Australian rural industries through research and innovation.
Keynote speakers provided insights from their respective organisations, including Kay Hull, Fiona Simson, National Farmers’ Federation President, Jo Grainger from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and John Harvey, AgriFutures Australia Managing Director.
Former AgriFutures Australia Deputy Chairman, Kevin Goss, shared the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) journey, including the relocation from Canberra to Wagga Wagga, and the rebranding story.
In the form of four panel discussions, stakeholders were introduced to AgriFutures Australia’s new arenas that guide research and investment: Growing Profitability, People and Leadership, National Challenges and Opportunities, and Emerging Industries.