Women in Rice, connecting women in Agriculture


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Laura Kaylock and Michele Groat

With thanks to Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN), Rice Extension are excited to invite you to the 2019 Women in Rice network event on Friday, 14 June 2019, Finley New South Wales.

The Women in Rice network is a Rice Extension initiative, and aims to connect, empower and engage rural women involved in rice farming businesses and wider farming community. The 2019 Women in Rice Luncheon is a chance for women to tell their stories of success. It’s also an opportunity to develop new skills off farm and to consider new ways of doing business.

Keynote speaker Deniliquin farmer Kellie Crossley, will share how her unique off farm career, as a dietitian and in preventative health and community services management positions, has helped her farm business grow and improve its profitability and sustainability.

“Women on the farm need to know that they have a huge amount of skills that they can offer the farm business. Their work experience and education can translate into opportunities to help grow the farm business, said Ms Crossley.

Ms Crossley will be joined by emerging and established leaders Laura Kaylock (AgriFuturesTM Rice Program Advisory Panel member, grower and Project Officer Western Murray Land Improvement Group), Michele Groat (AgriFuturesTM Rice Program Advisory Panel member and Project Manager, Leeton Shire Council) and Ange Urquhart (Ricegrowers’ Association board member, established leader and grower) for an interactive panel discussion.

AgriFutures™ Rice Program Advisory Panel members Michele Groat and Laura Kaylock, agree the event is particularly relevant in the context of current growing and economic conditions.

“I have seen first-hand how stressful it can be for women who often carry the twin responsibility of keeping both the business and family life running smoothly. Sometimes women need to work off farm and this income can be just as important as being involved in the day to day running of a family business. They key to success is the ability to think outside of the square.”

“Events and the Women in Rice network are really critical because they create and encourage strong networks and opportunities to learn,” said Ms Groat.

Emerging leader Laura Kaylock also reinforced the importance of connecting and learning from others in the industry.

“It’s a great opportunity to connect and empower females in the industry with new ways to grow their business, and consider leadership opportunities, in all forms, within the rice industry,” said Ms Kaylock.

Rice Extension Officer, Charleton Glenn thanked Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network for its support and the provision of the Murrumbidgee Community Grant. She also welcomed women of all experience, knowledge and association to the rice industry.

“This event has been made possible has been made possible by funding from Murrumbidgee PHN’s Murrumbidgee Community Grants. With current growing conditions it’s important for the community to come together, show leadership and to learn from each other. Please extend the invitation to your friends, sisters, mother, daughters and daughters-in-law to the event,” said Ms Glenn.

MPHN CEO Melissa Neal said she was pleased to be supporting the Women in Rice 2019 Luncheon with the provision of a Murrumbidgee Community Grant.

“We know the impacts of drought extend beyond farmers and their families in rural communities and small rural communities are always very resourceful and innovative when it comes to supporting each other,” Ms Neal said.

“I congratulate Rice Extension for this initiative and I look forward to hearing about it success,” Ms Neal said.

The Rural Financial Counselling service will also discuss available financial services and support and we encourage the informal opportunity to discuss the impact of low water allocations on communities.

Event details

Women in Rice Luncheon

Where: Finley Apex Sports and Community Centre, 93-117 Warrmatta St, Finley

When: Friday, 14 June 2019 10.30am to 2.30pm

Cost: Free of charge (with thanks to Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network)

RVSP: via Eventbrite by Friday 7 June, 2019

For more information see riceextension.org.au/events-news or contact Charleton Glenn, Rice Extension 0455 558 035 or


  • Focus on business management: Kellie Crossley farms with her husband Andrew and his parents Ken and Robyn Crossley north of Deniliquin. Kellie does not have a background in agriculture, but has brought skills from outside the industry into her role in the farm business. She will explain how she transitioned her farm business from a paper based to an electronic cloud based system and will discuss the opportunities she has taken to improve her industry skills.
  • Interactive Q&A “What does the future of the rice industry look like? Sharing stories with emerging and established leaders”: Hear first-hand personal challenges and successes from our emerging and established leaders: Laura Kaylock (AgriFuturesTM Rice Program Advisory Panel Member), Michele Groat (Drought Support Officer and AgriFuturesTM Rice Program Advisory Panel Member), and Ange Urquhart (RGA Board Member/Established Leaders Program).
  • Leadership opportunities within the rice industry: Rice Extension will discuss programs and scholarships on offer within the rice and broader agricultural industry.
  • Rural Financial Counselling: Airlie Hoskins is a Rural Financial Counsellor and will discuss what free and confidential services are available to primary producers who are at risk of financial hardship or suffering financial hardship. RFC has counsellors available in Coleambally, Deniliquin and Wagga Wagga.

Rice Extension is funded by rice growers and the Australian Government through AgriFutures Australia. Rice Extension supports the adoption of innovation, research and development outcomes in the Australian rice industry.

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