As many businesses and workers now consider the unfamiliar world of “working from home” Jo Palmer is optimistic there is a silver lining to these challenging times.
“Talk about a crisis to make people look at remote work as a legitimate way to do things,” said Jo Palmer.
“Firstly, I hope everyone is healthy and safe and being considerate of others in this time of confusion and high-stress.”
As Jo knows only too well, rural, regional and remote areas in Australia hold a wealth of highly qualified and experienced professionals and much of this talent is sitting idle, particularly among women. Pointer Remote Roles provides a valuable pathway for companies, corporations and government agencies to fill positions with the best candidate for the job, regardless of where they live,” said Ms Palmer.
Based in The Rock, near Wagga Wagga, Jo Palmer personally demonstrates that location is no barrier for individuals looking to create impact, innovate and make a difference.
Her vision enables others to also contribute to the prosperity of rural and regional Australia. Initially inspired by her own network of highly-qualified professional friends, many unable to make the most of their skills as a result of living in regional areas.
This mad rush to ‘go remote’ has the potential to open up a can of worms that organisations haven’t thought of before,” said Jo Palmer.
“There are some serious considerations that business owners and managers need to take into account.”