Eight young innovative rural leaders with a passion for agriculture have been selected to take part in evokeAG. 2020, the Asia Pacific’s largest agrifood tech event.
Proudly supported by the Council of Rural Research and Development Corporations, each successful evokeAG. Future Young Leaders finalist will present their ideas on how we need to shape, and shake-up, our industry. It’s a rare opportunity to voice their ideas in front of an international audience of investors, producers, corporates, researchers, government and industry – especially for Angela Hughes, who is just 18 years old.
“It’s so important for young people to have a voice. We are the next adopters of the industry, the driving force, and we have ideas on the direction we think it needs to take,” said Angela.
The Mittagong-based local works on her family’s beef cattle property and also has two part-time jobs – one at Landmark and the other in hospitality – to support herself during her tertiary studies. She is excited about sharing her ideas on how the hospitality and agricultural industries can work better together to drive profitability and productivity, for both parties.
Each winner will receive a five-minute presentation opportunity at the event, as well as return economy airfares, accommodation, airport transfers and a delegate pass to evokeAG..
For Samuel Johnston, Co-Founder and Director of the #ThankAFarmerForYourNextMeal movement, the on-stage presentation will be an opportunity to share the work he is doing to bridge the divide between the producer and the consumer.
“There is a misconception that people who live in the city don’t care where their food comes from. But this is definitely changing and there is a real opportunity for farmers to share their story to close this gap and present new opportunities,” said Samuel.
New Zealand-based entrepreneur Genevieve Griffin-George said the evokeAG. Future Young Leaders program will also provide an incredible networking opportunity, and exposure for her start-up called PICMI.
“I left my job and made the move to the ag industry to make a difference. I have found the ag community incredibly supportive and collaborative. I’m looking forward to sharing how the right technology designed with the industry can really help producers,” said Genevieve.
Applicants were selected after submitting a video detailing why they wanted to be the voice of the future at evokeAG. 2020. The eight finalists chosen by the Future Young Leaders selection panel are: