My name is Harri Dunning and I am 21 years-old and studying Food Science and Agribusiness at the University of Sydney. Having grown up in Sydney, my interest in agriculture started from a young age visiting friends’ properties throughout NSW and was then developed through the passion of my Agriculture teacher at school.
Attending a global university has afforded me the opportunity to make friendships throughout Australia and the world. This has truly opened my eyes to the importance and unique opportunities that exist within the Australian agricultural sector.
I’m interested in the development of harvest and post-harvest technologies, particularly within the grain industry and how our supply chains can best be leveraged to deliver mutually beneficial outcomes for all involved.
I also hope to one day share my passion through education, raising a greater awareness and exposing young people to the world of agriculture especially in non-rural communities.
I’m so excited to be partnered with the GRDC as this will allow me to gain valuable, hands-on experience and develop lifelong relationships. I can’t wait to get my feet on the ground and be directly involved with the new technologies and innovative practices that will be used to meet our food and fibre production goals for the future.
I feel so grateful to be a part of this program and look forward to meeting other likeminded individuals who I will undoubtedly be working alongside, contributing to Australian Agriculture well into the future.