Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
319 pages
Published: 2 Nov 2001
Author(s): Lott, Rosemary
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The project targets silviculture of Australian native tree species, especially eucalypts. For the purposes of this project, silviculture is defined as field management of trees, that is, after the nursery stock and site have been chosen. The project presents data from research trials in plantations and other farm forestry plantings with the potential to be grown for wood and other production values. Although several literature reviews have included reference to eucalypt field silviculture, there has been no effort to compile a comprehensive bibliography of hardwood silviculture research. The large number of eucalypt species, the wide range of sites, and the recent nature of hardwood plantation research, mean that research effort has been somewhat broad-ranging. A bibliography which compiles this literature is of use to researchers in plantation silviculture and also as a reference for extension officers in farm forestry, particularly those who are remote from forestry libraries and research centres. With a few exceptions, the bibliography does not include research into species and provenance selection, and the effects of site. This is or has been compiled and/or reviewed by other recent projects on hardwoods (Eucalyptus, Acacia, and Grevillea). Research results from decades of growing Pinus species in plantation in Australia are also generally not included; there are already several reviews of genotype selection and silviculture of Pinus species in plantation.