Agriculture Courses: Student Entry and Exit Attributes and Industry Needs (SR83)

  • 226 pages

  • Published: 1 Jul 2000

  • Author(s): Hemmings, Brian, et al

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This project was proposed against a background of a low proportion of the agricultural work force which is tertiary trained and a failure of tertiary agriculture faculties to attract large numbers of students with a high Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER). To improve this situation, the rural sector must be promoted as a dynamic and interesting workplace, and potential university students need to targeted and matched to the needs of agri-industry.

This investigation proposed to explore the background and personal attributes of students who enter agricultural degree courses at rural and urban universities, and compare the exit attributes of agricultural graduates with the expectations of employers.

The findings are expected to be used to (i) improve the chances of success for students once enrolled in universities, (ii) provide clearer direction for course development, and (iii) enhance the professional standards required by industry. Improvements in the number and quality of students who enter agricultural courses, greater student satisfaction at university, and increased employer-employee satisfaction, are intended outcomes.