AgriFutures Export Fodder Program Strategic RD&E Plan (2021-2026)

  • 42 pages

  • Published: 25 Oct 2021

  • Author(s): GHD Pty Ltd

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-195-9

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Australia’s export fodder industry is now worth more than $500 million a year. Its growth has been thanks to a focus on producing high-quality fodder and delivering it to valuable global customers.

With productivity, profitability, and market access and development at its core, the AgriFutures Export Fodder Program Strategic RD&E Plan (2021-2026) will build on the established foundations to develop a robust and agile industry – ready to embrace challenges and opportunities.

Developed in consultation with the export fodder industry throughout 2021, the Strategic Plan is inclusive, considering of current and future priorities, and blue-sky thinking to ensure the industry is best placed for the next five years and beyond.

The AgriFutures Export Fodder Program Strategic RD&E Plan (2021-2026) objectives include: Production of high-quality export-grade fodder; Continued access to export markets; Supporting innovation across the supply chain; and Increased adoption of R&D outputs by industry.