Agroforestry and Farm Forestry – Support systems to assess the viability of whole-farm and regional agroforestry enterprises

  • 329 pages

  • Published: 13 Jun 2008

  • Author(s): Harrison, edited S, Herbohn, J

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This report discusses research conducted in the eastern Darling Downs of southern Queensland and the northern tablelands of New South Wales covering:
• landholder attitudes to farm forestry
• the development of a whole-farm financial model – the Australian Farm Forestry Financial Model – that evaluates the financial returns and feasibility of forestry within the farm business
• the construction and evaluation of regional farm forestry case studies
• the development of a multi-objective decision-support system (MODSS) for evaluation of forestry options from a regional and farm perspective.

The project addresses an identified need for additional financial information and decision-support systems for farm forestry at the individual property as well as catchment and regional level. The research provides farmers and policy makers with a multipurpose decision support system (DSS) that will allow comprehensive assessment of the suitability, sustainability and profitability of alternative forestry options in relation to agricultural enterprise in a variety of farm systems.