Proceedings of the 2nd Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2020

  • 310 pages

  • Published: 24 Jul 2020

  • Author(s): Stuart Gordon

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-095-2

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The industrial hemp industry is experiencing strong growth as new technologies improve production and a range of value-added products are developed. The hemp industry in Australia is equipping itself to increase the size and scale of production predominantly through improved agronomy.

AgriFutures Australia supported the Australian Industrial Hemp Conference, held in in Fremantle, Western Australia in February 2020. The event served as a forum for growers, government, agribusiness, researchers, processors and industry representatives to discuss issues of importance and share the latest findings in industrial hemp research. The conference covered a diverse range of topics and facilitated discussion of industrial hemp production and marketing. This record of conference proceedings offers an opportunity to extend the information from contributors to a broader audience.