Australian Native Mammals as Pets: A feasibility study into conservation, welfare and industry aspects

  • 115 pages

  • Published: 1 Oct 2010

  • Author(s): Cooney, Rosie, Rosalie Chapple, Sarah Doornbos, Stephen Jackson

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Australia’s biodiversity is in crisis, and innovative alternatives are urgently needed. Threats to survival
of mammals in the wild in Australia have prompted the proposition that keeping native mammals as
pets, rather than the current suite of primarily exotic predators, could contribute to conservation. This
report assesses the feasibility of this proposal.
The RIRDC study seeks to strategically inform the potential development of an industry based on use of native
mammals as pets in a way that helps to ensure positive conservation and welfare outcomes. While the
keeping of certain native reptiles, birds and amphibians as pets is reasonably well-established across
Australia, private domestic keeping of most native mammals is currently prohibited in most states.