Biological Control of Giant Parramatta Grasses Using the Fungus Nigrospora oryzae

  • 40 pages

  • Published: 4 Nov 2011

  • Author(s): Lawrie, Ann

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Giant Parramatta grass (GPG) (Sporobolus fertilis) is an aggressive perennial tussocky grass that is a declared noxious weed. It invades native pastures and reduces animal production. Its potential distribution is estimated at 23.7 million hectares in Australia.
This research examines laboratory trials of a fungus-based herbicide – Nigrospora oryzae, to control giant Parramatta grass (GPG).
The herbicide is based on spores of a naturally occurring fungus isolated from giant Parramatta grass growing in the Clarence Valley of northern NSW and laboratory tests have shown a 70 per cent reduction in healthy GPG leaves, seven months after plants were inoculated with a solution of fungal spores.